
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


Making of TAKOM’s MARK Ⅳ step4



Both side turrets have been completed. I painted the inside even though I couldn’t see it when I assembled it. Still, I didn’t stain it.グローサーシューを左右若干ずらして装着。さらにいかつくなった。

Several glower shoes were attached to the caterpillar with a slight shift to the left and right. This made him even stronger.識別表示がやや大きく見えるが、汚し塗装でなじむと思う。

The identification marks on both sides look a little big, but I think they will be less noticeable due to the stain treatment.本体内部は伽藍堂。タミヤのキットはここにモーター組み込んで動かすみたいだけど、すごいな。

The inside of the main body is empty. Tamiya’s kit works by incorporating a motor here. That’s great!ほぼ組立が完了。とうとう概容を現したが、でかいなやはり。

The assembly is almost completed. Finally, an overview appeared. After all it is big.秋の味覚、柿を購入。試食の甘さで「伊豆」を購入。富有柿と興津1号との交配柿で、早生甘柿とのこと。大秋よりやや小ぶり。富有柿はもう少し後。

I bought the taste of autumn, persimmon. I bought “Izu-kaki” because of the sweetness of the tasting. “Izu-kaki” is a cross between “Fuyu-kaki” and “Okitsu No.1”, and it is said that it is an early-maturing sweet persimmon. The size is slightly smaller than “Tai-syu”. “Fuyu-kaki” will be released a little later.

 - Modeling, Sub-culture