Making of TAKOM’s MARK Ⅳ step5
Basic assembly and basic painting are completed. Since the painting area is large, the khaki was thinly painted about 3 times.タミヤラッカーのカーキ色度は思惑通り。エナメルのフラットブラックで墨入れを行う。
The khaki color of Tamiya lacquer is as I expected. I did the inking in enamel flat black.全面リベットなのでだいぶ暗くなったけど、おもちゃ感はなくなった。
This tank was full of rivets, so it was totally darkened by the inking. However, it is no longer like a toy.バイデンが大統領選挙でトランプに勝利した。でも、すんなりとはいかないようでもある。ここはグレダ嬢の言うとおり「落ち着けドナルド。落ち着け!」かな?それとプーチンの今後も怪しいな。もう来年のカレンダーは入手済だよ。
Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump in the presidential election. However, it doesn’t seem to be smooth. I want “Chill Donald, Chill!” As Miss Greta Thunberg said. In addition, Vladimir Putin’s future trends are doubtful. But I already have his calendar for next year.