
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


魅惑の中国 -Fascination of China


Some recollections of China. I went to China frequently before. It is approximately four years before and after BEIJING OLYMPIC. Most were Shangdong, but went to Beijing.img_0876当時は飛行機から下を見ると、郊外に高層マンションが建設中、近郊の便利な場所にある四合院風の住居は見る見る取り壊されていました。地上に降りるとマンションの多くは建設が途中で止まったまま。追い出された住民はどこに住むの?と思いました。
A large number of high-rise apartments were under construction in those days in the suburbs when I looked at the bottom from an airplane. But, the house such as Siheyuan in a suburban convenient place was demolished steadily. However, as for most of apartments, construction was stopping on the way. “Where do people whom a house was changed into live in?” qingdao01万里の長城はテレビの紀行もので見るのが一番ですね。有名な八達嶺でも荒涼としていて不安を感じました。望楼から突然出てくる物売りとラクダ。それが良いと言えばそうなのですが・・・。
It is the best to watch the Great Wall of China on TV. Famous Badaling is desolate and is lonely. A camel comes out of an observation tower with a vender suddenly. If say that it is good, is so,; but …qingdaomodifi161205現地で食べる料理は基本的に横浜や神戸で食す中華料理とは似て否なるものでした。結局、火鍋ばかり食べてた記憶があります。白酒とパクチーが体が順応しないと駐在は厳しいと本気で思っていました。
The dish to eat in China was a thing named the no like Chinese food of Yokohama and Kobe. I remember that I ate only Hot pot after all. When my body of baijiu and coriander did not adapt, I thought that the residence was difficult seriously.526328770_eded9432fc_o週末に行く青島の市場は楽しかった。生きた鶏が逆さに吊るされバタバタ。みんな担いで買って行きます。路上にはヒマワリの種を食べる子供たち。偽物時計はだいぶ買ったけど案の定、全部壊れました。
The market of Qingdao to go on the weekend was fun. A live chicken was able to hang upside down. Everybody carried it on his/her shoulder and bought it. Children eating the seed of the sunflower on the street. After all the clock of the imitation which I bought was all broken.img_0877こんなことばかり書くと良いところがないみたいですが、そんなことはないですよ。率直な感想は、接したローカルの方々は皆エネルギッシュで良い方々でした。もちろん日本人のようには行きません。どこの国でもそれは同じ。違いを楽しむ気持ちが大事。それが嫌なら日本を出ないことです。
There does not seem to be a good place, but there is not such a thing. All people of this country were energetic, good people. Of course it is different from a Japanese. But it is the same in country of any place. A feeling to enjoy this difference is important. If you hate it, you do not leave Japan.


 - Sub-culture