
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


Remaking of my old kits vol.8


荷台には敗残兵を載せる。AC ModelsのfigureはICMのKHD A3000用なので組み込みには調整が必要。

The defeated soldiers are placed on the bed. The AC Models figures used are for the ICM KDH A3000, so some adjustments are required to fit the Opel Blitz.あと14人か、年内に終わるかな?

I need to make the remaining 14 members. Will I be able to complete it by the end of the year?


It was an impulse buy. I had been refraining from purchasing new model kits due to an excess in stock, but I was attracted by the accessories.後期高齢者の母親が骨折してしまった。無事手術は済んだがリハビリでどこまで回復するか。自分も25年後はどうなってるのか。

My mother, who is in her late twenties, has a broken bone. She had surgery, but I don’t know if she will recover through rehabilitation. I don’t know what I’ll be like in 25 years.

 - Modeling