
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


Remaking of my old kits vol.9



This summer is too hot. 35 degrees Celsius is the norm, it’s higher than body temperature. If the maximum temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius, my body will break down. The temperature is definitely rising. I wonder what will happen in the future.2泊3日で四国一周を実行、藤沢発着なので片道6時間は高速道路の移動だったが、四国全県を堪能できた。のどかでとても良いところだったが、何処へ行ってもとにかく暑かった。3日で往復2,000kmの車移動はそろそろ限界かな。

We went around Shikoku Island in 3 days and 2 nights. We started and ended in Fujisawa, so it was a tough 6 hour one-way trip on the highway, but we were able to enjoy all the prefectures on Shikoku Island. It was a very peaceful and nice place, but it was just hot wherever we went. I think driving 2,000km round trip in 3 days is about the limit of my physical strength.OPEL Blitzの荷台に14人乗せるのは思いのほか大変。前から詰めて乗せないと乗らない。木製荷台はなかなか良い雰囲気が出ない。

It is difficult to fit 14 people into the bed of an OPEL Blitz. I have to squeeze them in from the front. My painting technique is not good enough to create a good wood texture on a wooden bed.車体のウェザリングは乗せる兵士の状態を見ながら進める。前の5人を組んだところで、残りの9人を無理やり配置してみる。

The weathering of the body of the vehicle will proceed in parallel with the assembly of the soldiers. After assembling the front five soldiers, I will place the remaining nine soldiers.なんとか乗りそうだ。

Looks like everyone will be on board.

 - Modeling