
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.





The wheel is slightly distorted. I correct this with hot water.ベース自作。

The wooden base for the exhibition will be made by myself.ライトケーブル等追加して一気に組み上げ。

I made additional cables for both headlights and other missing parts.双眼鏡ベルトとラニヤードを追加。

I also added a binocular belt and a pistol lanyard.サーフェサー吹いて組立完了。

Finally, I sprayed the surfacer twice.組み立てた後の塗装は面倒だけど仕方ない。

It is troublesome to paint after assembling.4連休は丹沢までドライブ。伊豆が目的だったけど大渋滞で予定変更。おいしい蕎麦も食せたので正解でした。

We drove to Lake Tanzawa yesterday during the holidays. The original destination was the Izu Peninsula, but the schedule was changed due to traffic jams on the way. But it was a good change because I was able to eat delicious soba.

 - Modeling, Sub-culture