
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


Suzhou Creek vol.5


ビネットfigureを製作する。担克车长(Tank Captain)は、前線から少し離れた場所を想定して上体は起こし気味。制服がシンプルなのでグレー系ベースで変化をつける。地図はネットから見つけて縮小印刷。信号拳銃は付属していたパーツ。

Assemble the vignette figure. The Tank Captain is installed with the upper body raised assuming that it is away from the front line. His uniform is simple, so I used gray as the base color. I found the map online and printed it out. The signal pistol is a part that was included in the kit. 顾连长(Commander)は、右足を戦車の吊り上げフックの上に置く不安定な立ち姿勢。両腕の調整はやや面倒。笠には青天白日と”國民革命軍”と漢字で書き込んだ。機銃は他のfigure同様にスリングを追加。モールドが甘いのでゲートルの塗装が今一つ。

Commander is in an unstable standing position with his right foot on the tank’s lifting hook. His arms need some adjustment. On the Chinese hat I carried on my back, I wrote “Blue Heaven White day” and “National Revolutionary Army” in Chinese characters. The machine gun adds a sling like other figures. Gaiters are not painted enough because the figure mold is thin. 机枪手(Machine Gunner)は、風呂敷のような謎の包みを股の上に置いたため、機銃と両腕の自然な配置が難しい。結局ポンチョ?を銃と足の間に挟むことでバランスを取った。彼は背嚢、モーゼル拳銃やらでとにかく重装備。付属パーツのマグカップも背負わせた。左胸の認識票はさすがに描き込めなかったので、白を塗るだけにしている。

Machine-Gunner puts a mysterious wrapping like furoshiki on his crotch, making it difficult to adjust the machine gun and both arms. I ended up balancing a poncho between the gun and his leg. He is heavily armed with his rucksack, Mauser pistol, etc. I also made him carry a mug on his back. I couldn’t draw the lettering on his identification tag on his left chest, so I just painted it white.キットのfigureは、モールドが甘いが頭部は良くできていると思う。シュタールヘルムを被ってもドイツ兵ではなく雰囲気はNRAだ。襟の階級章は赤を塗っただけ。左袖の部隊章は、錠剤のアルミ箔を切り抜いて貼り付けたが、服の皺に馴染み、厚みも丁度良い。部隊名は描いていない。ヘルメットと帽子の青天白日マークはイメージ重視で直書。

The figures in the kit are generally thin molds, but I think the heads are well made. Even if they wear Stahlhelm, they are not German soldiers but NRA. The rank insignia on both collars were simply painted red. The unit badge on the left sleeve was pasted on by cutting out aluminum foil from tablets. It blends well with the wrinkles of the clothes and has a good thickness, but the unit name is not drawn. The blue sky white day chapter on the helmet and hat is handwritten.


The picture in the featured image is my grandfather in China. If he is still alive, he must be over 110 years old. He had already withdrawn from the Pacific War and was working in his hometown as a recruiter. He conversed well with me, but I heard very little of his war stories.

 - Modeling, Sub-culture