
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


酷暑の中で -Tomorrow is “dàshǔ”.


I changed the model of my cell-phone. The form of the cell-phone does not change. But, functions seem to be different.機種変更したおかげでポイントでAFV CLUBのM113A1 ACAVを入手。こんなことでもなければ高くて入手できませんでした。
Because I changed a cell-phone, I was able to purchase M113A1 ACAV of AFV CLUB using my service point. Because it was expensive, I was not able to purchase this kit.パーツ数は予想外に少ないですが、非常に繊細。これくらいだと製作意欲が湧きます。
There is little number of the parts. But, it is very delicate. I want to make modelling immediately.本体のヒケは思ったより気になりません。この程度であればそのままです。
I think that sinkage of the main body does not have any problem. I am going to push forward modelling without repair. 2005年の「芒種(Grain in Ear)」。芒種とは二十四節気の一つ、夏至の前の季節のこと。ちなみに今年は6月6日。Zhang Luの監督作品。音楽を全く使用せず、カット構成で見る側のイメージを刺激する巧妙な手法。久々に映像に引き込まれました。
“mángzhòng (Grain in Ear)” of 2005. mángzhòng is one of the twenty-four seasons in the old calendar. mángzhòng is a season in front of xiàzhì. This year is June 6. The supervision is Zhang Lu. Music is not used for this movie at all. Skillful technique using the constitution of some film cuts. This is an attractive movie.

 - Modeling, Sub-culture