
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


中国的連続劇 -Let’s enjoy Chinese drama


I watched “King’s War” and “Confucius” of the Chinese drama. I watched a lot of Wu-xia before, but often watch a historical play recently. I watch “Orphan of Zhao” now. I watched “Confucius” of Húméi, “Sacrifice” of Chén Kǎigē, but how to make is different from a drama in the same subject by the movie.

“Orphan of Zhao” is written in Shiji and Chunqiu Zuoshi Zhuan. How you dramatize a historical fact is a point. Therefore I think that the small drama which I can express is advantageous.

The drama is a video picture,; but “Confucius” such as the film picture make it, and feel depth and high definition. In addition, I think that the constitution of the picture is unique.

I think that the performance of the Chinese actor is splendid. They are good at fencing and horseback riding. I feel the professionalism as the actor. China has the long history and the oldest civilization. Therefore China does not lack the subject of the historical play. I hope that China creates the pictures of various themes from now on.

 - Sub-culture