
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


やられた~ -It is almost an imitation.


facebookでよく見る逆さ傘の公告。いいんじゃないと思ってamazonで探したらずいぶん安く出ていました。ドイツ企業のofficalと銘打って出ているものだから疑いなく購入するも、出荷コードがChina Post。おやおや?気になって口コミ見ると似たような不信感ありありの投稿。まあ、しゃあない。待ちますか。17trackでも配送状況が確認出来ないので不安に思いつつも、出荷2週間弱でいきなり到着。
I watch advertising of the inverse umbrella well in the facebook. When I thought that it looked good and looked for it, it was quite cheap in the amazon.jp. Because it was the offical of German company, I purchased it without doubt. But, a shipment cord was the China Post. Uh-oh? After all it is like a doubtful product when I watch the voice of the buyer of the amazon. I cannot confirm the delivery situation in 17track either. Is it all right? Then a product arrived suddenly in shipment a little less than two weeks.img_0847う~ん、なるほど、officalなのになんのメーカー表示もない。まだ使用してませんが製品自体は口コミに書かれているほど悪そうではない。
Mmm. Though it is the offical, there is no maker indication. I do not yet use it, but the product does not seem to be bad so that it is written for the voice of the buyer.img_0848ただ明らかにサンプル写真との色が違いますね。まあ、コピー品でしょう。案外安く買ったので車用として使いますか。
However, a color is different from the sample photograph. Probably it will be a copy product. Because I was able to buy it cheaply, I use it for the getting on and off of the car.img_0849使い勝手が良くて、本命のデザインがどうしても欲しければ、次回はドイツのメーカーに直接頼むことにします。
I purchase it directly from the German maker on the next time if it is easy to use it.img_0850amazon.comにはこれほど安い商品はありませんでした。おそらくドイツメーカーのofficalの本物なのでしょう。まあ、商品がぜんぜん違うものだとか不良品でなかっただけ幸いですよ。
The amazon.com did not have the cheap inverse umbrella. But, there was the umbrella thought to be the offical product of a genuine German maker. In any case I was all right because it was not a different product or defective article.



 - Sub-culture