
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


整理整頓は常日頃から -A treasure island



A son comes back to the house in April. We must throw away many things to leave the room. I throw away the clothes not to be able to wear without a regret. All the books not to read are sold to BOOKOFF. There are approximately 1,500 sold books. It is how much, and will they buy it? I think that these are Treasure Island. All the race report cards of the yacht throw it away. Tools have demand. Thus, I leave them with some trophies. Some piles of garbage were completed in no time in the porch of the house. The surfboard of my wife is sold at this opportunity, too. When there was garbage in this small house so much, I am surprised.imageおそらく10年位前だともう少し捨てるにも未練があったと思いますが、いまは未練がありません。歳を取ってくると残してどうするという気持にはならないのです。そんな中で今回は模型は処分せずに済みそうです。ただキットの箱の切り抜きはカラーチャートに使用するもの以外は全て捨てました。これも出戻り以降からストックしていたので相当な量でした。とはいえなんとか救済したものの家族の白い視線が気になります。今回の当たり前のような教訓は「スペース確保するなら捨てるしかない」ということです。今後はもう少しマメに不要品は捨てていくことを心がけることとします。

Probably I think that I hesitated in throwing it away a little more around ten years ago. However, I do not hesitate now. I do not feel leaving a thing when I get old. Still I do not seem to throw away the model this time. I only threw all away the box picture of the kit other than a thing to use for a color chart. Because I stocked it from a re-start, these were huge. However, I feel the white eyes of the family. I cannot but abandon this lesson if I secure space. I will try to throw away a thing frequently in future.imageということで今日の夕食は時間がなくなったのでかみさんが職場の払い下げ非常食のレトルトのカレーとご飯です。ご飯の湯煎が12分って長いですよ。見た目はそれほどでもないのですが味はいまいち。カレーでごまかして食べるような感じです。改良余地ありです。先週から熱はないけど体がだるくインフルエンザの可能性があります。重い物の揚げ降ろしで腰や肩が悲鳴をあげています。寝ると足を攣りそうで完全に運動不足です。少し体を動かしましょう。

Today’s dinner is curry and rice of the retorts of the emergency rations that my wife was disposed of by the workplace because I was running out of time. Hot water roasting of the rice is necessary for 12 minutes. The appearance is not bad, but taste of the rice is bad. It is the feeling that I deceive it for taste of the curry and eat. The rice thinks that improvement is necessary. I feel tired from last week. Influenza is possible. Because I carried a heavy thing, I am severe in a waist and a shoulder. I seem to have it cramped with a foot when I sleep and am completely lack of exercise. I move some bodies.

 - Base Concept, Sub-culture