
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


シヴァ神 降臨! -The advent of Shiva



In progress Resin kit box falls from a high place! The god of destruction came quickly and the destruction was fierce. It’s clearly different from the law of increasing entropy, and it can’t be done. As with the disappearance of PC data, wasteful playback work is required. However, destruction is the work of God. It’s just a self-profit.本来、修復は他人の作品に対して行われる。そこには新たな価値を見出せる可能性が多く潜み、それが修復という行為の動機になっている。が、ここでの修復はそうではない。

Originally, restoration is done on the work of others. There is much potential for new value in the restoration. That is the motivation for the restorer. But this repair is not.約3時間での集中修復。こんなことには時間はかけたくない。あらためて見た修復キットは明らかな未完成品。再着手の動機にはなったな。神に感謝。

The destroyed 3 sets of kits were repaired in about 3 hours. I don’t want to spend time doing this. Repair kits are clearly in progress. It was a motivation for me to start again. Thanks to God.

 - Base Concept, Modeling