
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


Meat Chopper Vol.4



Finishing chassis shadowing and washing. The steering rod broke during painting. I was able to repair it, but I’ll do it again if I’m not careful.機銃手の組み込み。膝から下がないけど問題なし。実際、米兵にこのスペースはキツそうだ。

Make a machine gunner. This figure is not below the knee. But there is no problem. However, this space seems to be hard for GIs.このキットの選択理由はこれらのfigure。全てのポーズが素晴らしい。

The reason for choosing this kit is these figures. All poses of figure are wonderful.組み込んでしまえば、figureは外せない。それはそれでいいのだ。

The figure cannot be removed if it is installed. That is fine.

 - Modeling