
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


聖地巡行 -Holy place


There was a severe meeting with a customer this morning in Tokyo. I did lunch with a customer and have been exhausted at 13:00. Because willpower to work ran out, I went to Akihabara. Because I visited two stores of the radio hall, Yodobashi and Leonardo, I was tired more. I came back to Yokohama and worked for a while in a coffee shop. I found a new model shop in Yokohama in a free brochure for foreigners. Most of the model shops of Yokohama disappeared. But, I was surprised at a new model shop being in Yokohama. I went to the model shop. A kit of VOLKS is low-priced, and there are many kinds. Because there are many character models like VOLKS of Akihabara, entering a shop is shameful. Disappointing one does not have a car model. Yokohama was desolate since a lucky model disappeared. But, the status of the town rose thanks to VOLKS.やはり情報収集するには模型店巡りが一番です。ネットで探っていても実感が湧かないというか、現場から得られる情報とは違います。店の中での店員さん達のマニアックな会話とかは昔と変わりません。模型にまったく興味のない人にはできない仕事です。バイク屋の店員なんかと同じですね。ツィメリットコーティングの新キットが多く出てました。メーカー側の仕掛けでしょうか?なにかの影響でしょうか?各メーカーが同一コンセプトの商品を出すときは理由があるはずです。ただツィメリットコーティングはパテ盛りでの自作の方がいいと思いますが。
Visiting model shops is necessary for intelligence. There is no actual feeling even if I investigate it in a net. And the net information is different from the information from visiting model shops. The enthusiastic conversation of salesclerks is the same in old days. The person who is not interested in a model does not have the salesclerk. It is the same as the salesclerk of the motorcycle shop. A lot of new kits of Zimmerit Coating were sold. Is this a sales strategy of the maker side? Or is it some kind of influence? When each maker gives the product of the same concept, there should be a reason. However, I think Zimmerit Coating to make it in pate.話は戻りますが早朝の東京地下鉄ラッシュを久々味わいました。私のような横浜通勤者とではレベルが違う凄まじさです。まさにすし詰め。東京の通勤ラッシュは身体が持ちません。もう東京通勤は私には無理でしょう。
I experienced early-morning Tokyo subway rush. The rush of Tokyo is not compared with the rush of the Yokohama neighborhood. It is right in an overcrowded state. As for me, my body does not have the commuter rush of Tokyo. It will be already impossible for me to do the Tokyo commuting.皆さんの家に作っていないプラモデルの箱が積み上げられていませんか?プラモデルのパーツを切る作業が面倒ではありませんか?ゆとりある模型製作のために、製作の手間や収納でのストレスを解消しませんか?ご興味があればご相談ください。
Do you not pile up the box of the plastic model which you do not make? Do you not want to have somebody cut the parts of the plastic model? If trouble and stress of the storing dissolve, you can enjoy comfortable modelling. Please ask me if interested.

 - Modeling, Sub-culture