
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


神の警鐘 -Warning bell



Five years passed from an earthquake disaster. North Miyagi with my parents’ house was a most severe earthquake area, but the happy family was safe only by the damage of the house. It is thorny many parents, but still thanks for a thing in good health.051106-012005年のOP全日本選手権、名取川下流の閖上地区は未だにさら地のままです。その先に福島浜通りがあります。

Optimist Dinghy all-Japan championship of 2005, the Yuriage district of the Natori-River down stream still remain a wasteland. There is Fukushima Hamadori over there.image復興には時間がかかります。しかし、この状況で原発を稼働させるのは何故なのでしょう。稼働を推す方は福島の人達の苦しみを感じられないのでしょうか。はたして震災の教訓は生かされているのでしょうか?

Revival takes time. However, it will be why that the government accepts operation of the nuclear power generation in this situation. Do people promoting operation not feel pains of Fukushima? The lesson of the earthquake disaster would go to wherever.

 - Base Concept