
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


四一式山砲製作 -1 Making of the Type41 Mountain Gun -1



It is sudden, but I make the type41 75mm Mountain Gun. Because I remembered an old tale, I decided to make “it” making. “Jyosyu, jyosyu to jinba ha susumu, jyosyu iyoika? sumiyoika?.(in Japanese)”= “A man and horse says Xuzhou, Xuzhou and advances. Is it the place where there is easy to be Xuzhou? . Or is Xuzhou a livable place?”. This is a Japanese war song called “wheat and  soldier”. The kit made by FINEMOLD has two kinds of a shooting state version and the march state version. I chose the march version that I imagined this “wheat and soldier”. The assembling of the mountain gun was already finished. I painted it in army khaki of the Creo’s. Four soldiers finish the assembling, and the basic painting is finished. After having painted all, I locate a kit on a wooden bass. Because I make a mini-diorama, I am going to coordinate a pose and the placement of the soldier and overall constitution.image「どこまで続くぬかるみぞ」。点と線の終わりのない戦いに苦しむ兵士を表現したいのです。足元がゆるく、砲も荷車も深いぬかるみに悩まされての行軍・・・、ん?この防楯これでいいの?バージョンごとに防楯の形が違っていますが、縦長の防楯は地面すれすれまで来ています。銃砲火からを守るには必要でしょうが、行軍にはこれではイカンでしょう。防楯パーツは一面一体になっていますが、実際は下部防楯がヒンジで内側に折り込める構造がようになってます。行軍時には上げなければ地面に引っかかって進めません。まして車輪はゴムタイヤでもないので、このまま行軍すると砲を壊す恐れがあります。兵器を大事にする兵士がそんなガサツなことはしないはずです。デザインナイフで少しずつ刃を入れ切り取り、折り曲げた状態で再接着するしかないです。再現されなかったのは何故でしょう?疑問ですね。

“Doko made tsuduku nukarumizo.(Japanese)”= “This mud will continue to wherever”. This is a Japanese war song, too. I want to express a soldier suffering from a point and a fight without the end of the flight. The step of the soldier and the gun and the cart are deep entering mud, severe marches. What is it? Is the form of this shield right? A shield is too near to the ground. The lower shield is necessary to prevent the gunfire. However, the lower shield is obstructive when the gun moves. There is a hinge on the lower shield. A soldier can break the lower shield inward. If a soldier does not fold a lower shield at the time of march, the shield hits the ground. Furthermore, the wheel is not a rubber tire. If a shield hits the ground, the gun may fail. The soldier does not break a weapon. Therefore the state of the shield of the kit is wrong. I cut a shield with a design knife little by little. After having cut it, I adhere again. Why will it be that this state was not reproduced? I doubt.imageところで、思い出した昔話とは高校時代の教師の雑談。昔は戦争に行った教師が多く、授業中にも関わらずよく自分の思い出話をしてくれました。特攻隊で生き残った話、風船爆弾を研究していた話、中国戦線で死体の重さを計って、どこの重さががどこの重さと同じかを調べてみた話などなど、私たちに語ってくれました。いつもは教鞭を取る田舎の教師達が数十年前に体験した真実の出来事を、辛い話にならないように話してくれたことを思い出したのです。そんなことを思い出したら、なぜかこのキットのことも思い出してしまいました。

By the way, as for the reason to make this kit again, I remembered the story of the teacher of high school days. Many teachers talked about the war to a student during class. Having survived in KAMIKAZE raiding party. Having studied a balloon bomb. Having measured the weight of the various parts of the body at a Chinese front. They had various talks to a student. The teacher talked about true experience not to become stimulating. I remembered that this kit was unfinished when I remembered this.image理由はさておき、皆さんも模型の在庫を増やさずにどんどん作りましょうね。手に入れたキットは、自分たちがいつか形になる日を待ち望んでいますよ。

Everybody will make a model slowly without increasing stock. The kit waits for a day to be completed.

 - Base Concept, Modeling