HUMVEEを作ろう! 3 -I make a HUMVEE 3
I assemble driver figure. I let figure hold a steering wheel properly. And I match the back of the seat with a back of figure. I bend it after dissolving a finger of figure with adhesive. I separated the left wrist of figure from an arm and I regulated it and adhered. I just think that it became slightly natural.1/35 figureで唯一の不満がこの「手」です。どこのメーカーのfigureの手もみんなレゴブロックのような手になってます。握るなら握る、開くなら開く、中途半端な手の格好が折角よくできているfigureの全てを台無しにしているように思います。これは設計の段階で何とかならないものなのでしょうか?無理ならいっそのことズベズダやイタレリがやるように一体化してしまう方が潔いと私は思いますが・・・。
My dissatisfaction for figure of 1/35 is a hand. figure of which maker is all a hand such as the Lego block, too. I want figure grasping or opening properly to do a way. A half-finished hand spoils figure. Can any maker not be settled by a design? I think that should become one part like ZVEZDA and ITALERI,; but …迷彩はインストでは6Cデザートパターン、いわゆるチョコチップが指定されてます。このパターン、米本土の砂漠をベースに作られた迷彩だそうで、中東ではあまり効果なく現場で不評だったそうです。6C迷彩はシュワルツコフのイメージと白と黒のアクセントがユニークなのですが、このドライバーは、シンプルですが改良パターンのコーヒースティン3C迷彩にしてみました。迷彩服は塗装が面倒ですが、楽しいですね。
According to the instruction the camouflage clothes painting “6C dessert pattern.” It is so-called CHOCO-CHIP. This pattern seemed to be made in reference to desert of the United States. Therefore it seemed to be too unpopular among a soldier without an effect in the Middle East. The 6C camouflage is famous for an image of General Schwarzkopf and white and a black accent. But, this driver had the painting by the COFFEE-STAIN 3C camouflage of the improved pattern. The camouflage clothes painting is troublesome, but is fun.昨夜、日韓サッカー見てから始めたので深夜遅くに作業をしてました。眠くて眠くて、もうやめよう、と思った矢先、エナメル溶剤の瓶を落として大量にフロアにこぼしてしまっいました。やばっと思いすぐティッシュとウェスで拭いたのですが、臭いが残り、寒い夜中に窓全開換気をするはめに・・・。フロアのワックス掛けをしなければ。
I began model manufacture after Japan-Korea soccer last night. Therefore I have lost the bottle of the enamel solvent on the floor because I was very sleepy. Serious! I wiped it off in a waste immediately, but the inside of the house was a terrible smell. I opened a window fully at cold midnight and ventilated it unwillingly. Oh boy, I must make the waxing of the floor.
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