
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


トワイライトゾーン -The Twilight Zone



I remember that some mysterious stories were told in a childhood by parents.


A story when mother went out to play to the friend near the Shinto shrine with the festival in a childhood. When the evening, mother went for a festival with a friend, it rained suddenly. Mother got separated from a friend and mother was at a loss and walked. Then mother found bright light in the far-off footpath between rice fields. Mother thought that it was light of the towns and walked in the direction. However, it was a line of the wedding ceremony in the rain not light of the waiting. Mother followed the line. Then mother arrived at the house of the friend, but the line has disappeared.
This says “demon’s lantern march” in Japan, and all the lines of the wedding ceremony are foxes.8313934715_fc4c638e24_o父は子供のころよく墓地の近くで人魂を見たという。その父が見た夢。雲一つないいい天気の日、田んぼに行くと家族が田植えをしていた。父を見つけると皆は「おーい早くこっちにこい」と手招きしたそうだ。手伝おうかと思ったら、後ろから誰かに呼ばれた。振り返ると同時に田の家族が皆、既に死んだ人だと気づき目が覚めた。当時父は精神的にだいぶ疲れていたようだ。

It is said that father watched an ignis fatuus in a childhood near a graveyard. The dream that father watched. On a fine day, his family planted rice in a rice field. They found father and called him. “You are thick here early”! When father intended to help them, father was called by somebody from behind. Moment, he noticed all the families of the rice field being dead. And he woke up. Father seemed to be tired considerably mentally in those days.
Father would come back before crossing “the River Three Ways”.


“The spiriting away” that a neighboring child is missing. There are few people in the country, and the maintenance is insufficient, too. Therefore I think that there was a child falling into river and the honey bucket. The older brother of father died young. Because there was a person such as “ITAKO” of Osore-zan in Tsugaru in the neighborhood, my parents called for the soul of the older brother of father and heard a story.1516331927_9c86f19335_o近所から「びっき屋敷」と呼ばれてた母方の祖母の実家に行ったことがある。周囲を田んぼが囲み、初夏にはカエル(この地域の方言ではびっき)が大量に鳴く。そのためびっき屋敷と呼ばれていたとばかり皆思っていたら、古い土蔵から錆だらけの槍や刀、鎧がわんさか出てきた。びっき屋敷のあたりは900年前に平泉藤原氏の前線柵があったところで当時合戦場になったところ。びっき屋敷はびっき=ぶき=武器屋敷とのことだった。母方はいまでも藤原姓。

The house of the grandmother of mother was called “Bikki mansion” from the neighborhood. The circumference of the house is a rice field, and a frog (everybody calls it Bikki in this area) cries in large quantities in early summer. Therefore everybody thought the house to call itself Bikki mansion. However, old many weapons (a spear, a sword and armor) which it was rusted, and there was were discovered in a storehouse. The outskirts of the Bikki mansion had a front fence of Hiraizumi Fujiwara approximately 900 years ago. There was a historic battleground. The origin of the Bikki mansion was Bikki = buki = weapon = weapon mansion. The family name of the grandmother of mother is Fujiwara.

宮城北部のこの辺は伝説も多い土地です。1200年ほど前に征夷大将軍 坂上田村麻呂の奥州平定の折、登米の佐沼付近にいたと言われる大竹丸という剛の者を斬り、首が今の玉造の鬼首に、身体が一ノ関の鹿島神社付近の鬼死骸村に飛んでそれぞれ地名になったそうです。

The northan Miyagi area is legendary much land, too. Sakanoue-Tamuramaro of the generalissimo cut Ohtake-maru of the hooligan of Sanuma approximately 1,200 years ago. The head of Ohtake-maru flew in “Onikobe” of Tamatsukuri, and a body flew in “Onishigai” of Ichinoseki, and it became the place name each.

 - Sub-culture