
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


Sad Route 6



From Osaki to Fujisawa, I went south on Route 6. I used this road 16 years ago.国道4号線を岩沼で分岐、亘理の風光明媚な光景が広がる。山元町までが宮城。太平洋岸の近くを通るこの界隈は11年前に津波が襲った地域。相馬、南相馬。福島に入る。安易な気持ちでは通れない地域。

Route 4 splits into Route 6 at Iwanuma. As soon as it splits into Route 6, I am faced with the scenic beauty of Watari. Up to Yamamoto-cho is Miyagi. This area near the Pacific coast was hit by a tsunami 11 years ago. Enter Fukushima, Soma, Minamisoma and so on. All these areas were hit by the tsunami.信号がほとんどない。日は暮れ、浪江町に入る。海岸沿いに原発の建物が見える。海に向かう側道はすべて遮断されてる。民家がぽつぽつとあるが、どこも灯りがない。だれも住んでいない町を、街頭だけが道路を照らしている。この先J-VILLEGEがある楢葉町に入るまでの60kmほどに民家の灯りはなく、ほぼ真っ暗。住民はどこに行った?突然襲った災害で故郷を失う悲しい現実。もう10年以上経過した。復興って何なんだ?人が住めない地域を作った責任はどこにある?天災ではないよな、これは。

There are almost no traffic lights even when driving. As the sun sets, I enter Namie Town. I saw the building of the nuclear power plant along the coast. All roads to the sea are blocked. There are many private houses here and there, but none of them have lights. In a town where no one lives, only the streets light the roads. About 60 km to Naraha-cho, where J-VILLEGE is located, there are no lights from private houses, and I drive in the dark. where did the inhabitants go? This is the sad reality of losing residents’ hometowns. More than 10 years have passed since the disaster. What is revival? Who is responsible for making areas uninhabitable? This is not the fault of the natural disaster.放射線量を示す電光掲示板が至る所にある。こんな状態に誰がしたのだ。この道は憤りと悲しみで走っているだけで胸が締め付けられる。

Electronic bulletin boards showing radiation levels are everywhere. There is resentment and sorrow on this road. It’s hard just to drive.

 - Sub-culture