
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


K-kit Hetzerを作る<閑話休題>  -Modelling of Hetzer (K-kit)〜Intermission


今回のHetzerは、Gaia ColorのDunkel Gelb2を使いました。
GUNZE SangyoのMr.Hobby Dark Yellowで塗装したSd.Kfz.222と自然光下で並べるとこんなに違います。

I painted Hetzer in “Dunkel Gelb2” of Gaia Color.
Sd.Kfz.222 which I painted in Mr.Hobby Dark Yellow of GUNZE Sangyo is different from it.以前、TigerⅠに使用したTAMIYA ColorのDark YellowはGaia Colorに近いような・・・?
原色に近いのはGaia ColorのDunkel Gelb2とのこと。しかしTiger、でかいな。

Is Dark Yellow of TAMIYA Color which I used for TigerI near to Gaia Color?
“Dunkel Gelb2” of Gaia Color is almost the original color. However, Tiger is huge.結論、模型に関しては自分のイメージに合えばそれで良いと思います。

I think the color of the model to be a self-image after all.

Sd.Kfz.222 is a kit of TAMIYA which I made approximately four years ago.
I added a welding trace. And I let a front wheel and a rear wheel make a steering adversely.砲塔上部の金網を開閉式にしたり、しつこいくらいの錆処理とか、あらためて見ると当時の苦労を思い出します。

I can open and close the wire netting of the upper gun turret. I put on rust a little too much. I remember those days when I watch this.Hetzerのfigureは、制服をRLM Gray。crash-capはField Gray。

Figure of two of Hetzer is RLM Gray in a uniform. The crash-cap is Field Gray.
A combatant color is red of the charge gunner, but the mold of the badge is like Totenkopf not Doppellitzen. Oh, is it good?

Why is it? There is not an epaulet. At the time of handling of parting-line, I might sharpen it.
I add it like it in a brass board or a copper sheet.

In figure of the plastic, a mold is weary. Therefore it is necessary to modulate it by the painting.
Because I cannot depend on the edge of the mold like metal and resin, plastic has more difficult painting.
I attach gradation with various colors and realize an accent with the light and shade. I perform this work with enamel paint.

 - Modeling