
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


模型ビジネス考 1 Thinking of the model sale business vol.1



My dream is model shop management. I want to run the store which children and adults can enjoy as I wrote it in the former blog. I look for the thing which the visitor wants. And it is my dream in my shop that a visitor can exchange information willingly.


The model is multifarious. There is it from the toy of the child to a commerce model to use by work. A use and an object are wide. It is necessary to make it clear which field I run by what kind of method. I inspect possibility in my dream.4122106571_09080b3265_oどのようなかたちで?小売販売一本ではビジネスとしては正直難しいでしょう。残念ですが選択肢からは除外せざるを得ません。現在の主流はネット販売です。メーカーが世界に分散し、ユーザーの特性も考えると、この形態がビジネスとして最適なのは明らかです。しかし、ネットビジネスだけでは私の夢は実現しません。やはり小売がないとだめなのです。

Do you make business of what kind of form? I think that the business only for store sale is difficult. I exclude the business only for store sale from a choice. The current mainstream is online sale. Many makers disperse in the whole world. And online sale is most suitable as business when I think about the characteristic of many model users. However, my dream does not come true only by Internet business. After all the store sale is necessary.


A dream and the coexistence with the business are difficult. It is necessary for me to make it clear what I offer to whom by what kind of method. The goal of my dream is not very rich, but must not fail. Still if I make a profit, I am glad, but …, it are second.

何を?まずはここから考えましょう。模型屋商売の大前提はスケールモデルでほぼ決まりです。子供が集まるといっても、ミニ四駆やガンダムだと私のイメージする客層とちょっと違うのです。どんなものを売るかは悩むところです。AFV、Car、Ship、Air、Figure、Giorama、Train、Architecture etc. 扱いたいものはたくさんあります。しかし、ビジネスとしては絞り込まねばいけません。理由はさておきGioramaとTrainは外します。確実に残すのはAFVとFigureです。Architectureは取り入れたい分野ですが、まずはこの辺からスタートするのが無難でしょう。

What do you handle? At first let’s think from here. I handle a scale model. This is a decision. Even if I want to gather children in the shop, “mini-4WD” and “Gundam” are slightly different from the class of visitors whom I image. I am troubled what I sell. “AFV”, “Car”, “Ship”, “Air”, “Figure”, “Giorama”, “Train” and “Architecture” etc. There are a lot of genres that I want to treat. However, I must choose it. I exclude “Giorama” and “Train”. I choose “AFV” and “Figure”. I want to choose “Architecture”, but think that it is passable first to examine in “AFV” and “Figure”.


The human life is only once. Let’s realize a dream. Let’s do what we cannot experience in the office workers. Because the pleasant plan is tiring when I think further, it is over in this.15787281788_ef9b83cfbe_oまた続きはゆっくり考えるとします。それではメリークリスマス!

I think about the continuance slowly again on the next time. O.K. then, Merry Christmas!

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 - Base Concept, Modeling Service