
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


M24製作記 3 -The modeling of M24 Chaffee vol.3



To return from the digression


Assembling was over for the time being. Assembling was over earlier than my expectation. There were many small parts, but there are too many parts not to use. There is the parts group not to use at all (X group), and this is against ecology. The left parts should be used for junk parts, but my evaluation to this kit greatly fell down. I thought that there was a good point to this kit. However, there were many disappointing points.imageアンテナ部分ですがバネを基部につけました。これは見た目のイメージも良くなり収納時にも曲げられるのでじゃまにならず便利だと思っています。ただインスト表示の7.5mmは長くはありませんか?アンテナ部分は0.3mmの真鍮線を使用してますがそれでも太いのですが、これ以上細い金属線が見つかりませんでした。塗装前ですが全体的な形状はとてもバランスが良いと思います。実車写真とのイメージも同じような印象に感じられます。個々のパーツの正確性だけからでは出せない実車のイメージを表現できていると思います。

I attached a spring to the antenna base. This work makes the kit cool and can bend an antenna. But I think that 7.5mm in length of an antenna written to instruction is too long. The antenna used brass of 0.3mm Φ, but still is too shameless. But I did not have thinner metal wire. I think that the shape of this kit is very good. I feel an impression same as the image of the photograph of real M24. I think that an image of real M24 not to be able to make only by an accurate design is expressed.image下地塗装はすべきかどうかと考えましたがエッチングの処理もあるので白サフを軽く吹きました。キャタピラもバンパープライマーを吹きました。エッチング部分にはサフ吹き前にメタルプライマーを筆塗りしましたが、エンジングリルと後部のメッシュ部分の一部を埋めてしまったため、サフ後にシンナーで除去しました。結局、メッシュ部分はサフ吹くのであればメタルプライマー処理はしない方が二度手間にならなくて済んだのでしたが後の祭りです。

I was troubled whether I did the groundwork painting, but sprayed white surfacer for the groundwork of etching parts. The caterpillar tread had a bumper primer, too. I painted etching parts with a metal primer before spraying surfacer. Therefore an engine grill and later etching mesh have been buried. After surfacer spray, I opened the part with thinner. The mesh should not have applied the metal primer if I spray surfacer, but it is too late.image

 - Modeling