
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


The old Jeep is WIP. 5


タミヤとハセガワBEGOのPkw.K1 TYP82を2台同時進行しているのだが、この後どうするんだったか?

With this theme, the topic is uninterrupted.
Tamiya and Hasegawa BEGO’s “Pkw.K1 TYP82” are being produced at the same time. But how did I want to proceed?古いGPAのデカール、マークセッターでなんとか貼付完了。両生類顔がだいぶ男前になった。あとは装備品乗せてウェザリング。

Some old decals for GPA have been pasted using the MARKSETTER. The amphibian face became a man. Next I will do “weathering” after loading some equipment.TOYOTA Phaeton Model AB。ボディカラーの灰桜色はインスト指示では白:茶=4:1?

This is TOYOTA Phaeton Model AB. As for the body color “ash cherry color”, the mixing ratio according to the instruction is white: brown = 4: 1.
I’m thinking of painting with one of the skin color series because toning is troublesome.

 - Modeling