
スケールモデルを中心とした、EVAの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


The old Jeep is WIP. 4



Adhesion of all etched parts is complete. The front wheels were positive camber and the steering was turned slightly to the right. The vehicle height was lowered by about 1 mm by adjusting the axle part.Pkw.K2s TYP166を並べるとこんなに大きさが違う。

The size is so different when placed side by side with Pkw.K2s TYP166.サイズはLAND CRUISERといい勝負。やっぱアメ車だな。

The size is almost the same as LAND CRUISER. After all it is an American car.

There was “Korea-Zakki” in the library. This book is a 1894 Korean customs book written by Kyusuke Homma. Ms. Isabella Bird wrote “Korea and Her Neighbor” at the same time. Both books have many similar impressions.


There are many unmade small vehicle kits. Actually, I want a real Jeep …

 - Modeling, Sub-culture