Meat Chopper Vol.6
I put decals. Use the M21 decal from Tamiya. It’s a little different from the M16 decal, but it’s useless. I use it thanks to Tamiya for searching for a discontinued decal.ボンネット上の星マークはM21のものは大きすぎるので、ジャンクパーツを流用。天地がインストとは逆だけど、正しい向きはどっちだ?
The star mark on the bonnet is too large for the M21, so use the junk parts. Upside down is the opposite of the blueprint, but which is the right direction?機銃の弾帯とアンテナもジャンクパーツ流用。
Junk parts are also used for each machine gun bullet band and antenna support.受話器の線も追加。Also added his handset line.このM16は想像以上に楽しめたので、とりあえずここまでにしようと思う。
This M16 was more fun than I had imagined, so it was completed.COVID-19感染拡大が止まらない。この先、社会はどうなるのか?M16は意外なほど迫力があった。次はもっとでかいパイオニアトラックでも作ろうかね?
The spread of COVID-19 infection continues. What will happen to Japanese society in the future? The M16 was surprisingly powerful. Let’s make a bigger truck next time?