
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


”混沌”とした中で -In “chaotic”



The infection of COVID-19 is spreading. I cannot predict the future. We may need different lifestyles. Let’s make some kits that I have to prevent infection. This motivation may be the truth.


Therefore, I will make a kit without going out for the “GOTO Campaign”. Let’s leave the reality and go to the imaginary world in the state of “chaos”. I wonder if I made a “Kappa no Gyojiro” and went on a trip to Fukusaki.『荘子』応帝王篇:「南海之帝為儵、北海之帝為忽、中央之帝為渾沌。儵與忽時相與遇於渾沌之地、渾沌待之甚善。儵與忽謀報渾沌之德、曰、人皆有七竅、以視聽食息、此獨無有。嘗試鑿之。日鑿一竅、七日而渾沌死。」

 - Sub-culture