
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


Sd.Kfz.234/1 閑話休題 3 -“Sd.Kfz.234/1” Intermission 3



Speed of the work is slow. Work does not readily advance. “Slow Modeling” of the title is like the excuse. However, I gradually advance it. Because this is a poor article in a modelling diary, this article “is Intermission”.顎紐が幅広すぎるので修正しました。たいしたことではないのですが、気になったら直さざるを得ません。ヘルメットのカモフラージュカバーをどうするか?

Because a chin strap was too wide, I made modifications. It is not a great thing, but repairs it if interested. What would I do to the camouflage cover of the helmet?1/6スケールのドールパーツで調べても何パターンかあるのですが、このパターンにしてみます。

Parts of 1/6 doll serve as a reference. I make this pattern.組んでから塗るのは大変です。こだわる理由なんて何もないのですが、私は面倒でも組立を優先します。

It is hard to paint after assembling it. There is not the reason to be particular about, but, as for me, assembling is given priority.パーツ数に圧倒されて全く手付かずのドラゴン マーダーII後期型。次回の製作キットにしようかと思うのですが、組んでからの塗装が大変そうなので手がつけられないのです。おかしな理由ですよね。

“Mader II Late Edition” of the dragon which there is too much number of the parts, and hesitates about assembling. I think with next modelling, but hesitate about modelling because the painting after I assemble it is difficult. It is a funny reason.


Cherry trees already in full blossom. Is this KAWAZU- cherry tree? Though there is the blooming precocity cherry tree called the TAMANAWA- cherry tree in the neighborhood, I do not understand the kind of the cherry tree. It is already spring.

 - Modeling