
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


’58シボレーインパラ 5 -AMT’s 58 Chevy Impala Vol.5


I painted with plating silver on gross black of the groundwork that I painted with the other day. Mmm, there is it if say that is shiny,; but …「黒い平滑面の上に塗装した場合、深みのある鏡面に仕上がります」との記載だが、深みのあると言われればそうとも言える。結論、もう一度重ねて塗ってみます。下地が光沢に影響することは間違いないようです。
”When you paint plating silver on a black flat smooth surface, there is finished in the mirror surface with the depth.” Of the depth if is said, it may be said so that there is it. I decided to paint with plating silver once again. It seems to be certain that the groundwork influences luster.家電量販店で塗料を購入。大手メーカーより新興メーカーの方が安い。それに容量も若干多い。動きの少ない塗料業界と思いきや最近のはやりでバリエーションニーズが出てきたためか、変化が見えてきました。
I purchased paint in a household appliance general merchandising store. The paint of the new maker is cheaper than the paint of the major maker. It has slightly much capacity, too. I thought it to be the stable industry, but there is a change because variation needs came out recently.模型製作が下手くそでも、私は模型をこよなく愛しています。なにせ飽きずに何十年も続けて来れたのはこれくらいなものですから。だから模型の世界で、なにか貢献したいと常々考えています。そんなこと考えている同士の方がいれば一緒に考えませんか?人生が楽しくなると思いますよ。
I am poor at modelling. But I love models deeply. Anyway, it is the hobby that I was able to continue without getting tired for dozens of years. I always think that I want to contribute in the world of the modelling. The fellow will think about new business with me. Surely I think that the life becomes fun.

Do you not pile up the box of the plastic model which you do not make? Do you not want to have somebody cut the parts of the plastic model? If trouble and stress of the storing dissolve, you can enjoy comfortable modelling. Please ask me if interested.

 - Base Concept, Modeling