Gloomy days
I’m not feeling well. I think the worries about my family are also to blame. Even having a curry party with friends doesn’t help.模型の製作テーマも決まらない。修行僧の仏像彫りのようにfigureを作るしかないのだ。塗装して魂を入れるとしよう。
I can’t decide on a theme for model making. Is this also the cause of my slump? I have no choice but to make a figure like a Buddhist monk’s sculpture. I’ll paint it and put a soul into it.サーバーのphpを更新したら、Count Per Dayが使えなくなった。これまでのPV履歴はすべて消えてしまった。この辺、ついていけてない。
After updating php, Count Per Day stopped working.
I found a way to restore it on the internet. I followed the instructions to rewrite the file and it was enabled! The past logs are still there, but the version has been updated to the latest version. There doesn’t seem to be a problem, so I’m curious as to why WordPress stopped using it. They say it’s a security issue…今週は121mの衣張山にtrip。
This week we tripped to Kinubari-yama, which is 121m above sea level.大町に下り降りる途中にある逗子のまんだら洞は滅多に公開してないそうだが、運良く開いてた。敦煌みたいな石窟がたくさんあり古い石塔が置いてある。14-15世紀のものらしいが詳しいことがわかってないようだ。こんなとこがあるなんて知らなかった。知らないことが発見できるので、近場は歩いてみるもんだ。
On the way down to Kamakura-ohmachi, Mandara Cave in Zushi is rarely open to the public, but luckily it was open. There are many caves like those in Dunhuang, and inside there are old stone towers. They are said to be from the 14th-15th century, but the details are not known. We had no idea that such a place existed.いろいろ対処法を試みてはいるが、最近気鬱な日々が続いている。心が晴れないとは、こういうこと。
I’ve been trying various methods to recover, but I’ve been feeling depressed lately.鎌倉にはタイワンリスがいっぱいいる。
There are a lot of Formosan squirrels in Kamakura.