
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


Marine Corps “M4A2” vol.2



I return to my subject.
I followed the instructions, but I couldn’t help but feel annoyed by the process of assembling the drive system. The M4 has a relatively simple structure, but there are 11 parts in just one set of bogie wheels. As I get older, repetitive work becomes harder. Why is this process the first step?職場が東京になったので、通販に頼らず小売りに寄れるので買い物がうれしい。なにせ送料を気にしなくていい。1mmtのバルサ材をお茶の水のレモン画翠で購入。10cmx50cmで¥275。一枚で十分。その足で秋葉原のレオナルドLGで生産休止の掘り出し物を発見、さすがに横浜ではこうはいかないのだ。

Now that I’m working in Tokyo, I’m happy to be able to use a retail store instead of mail order. I bought a balsa sheet with a thickness of 1 mm at “Lemon Gasui” in Ochanomizu. It costs \275 per sheet of 10cm x 50cm. Next is Akihabara’s “Leonardo LG”. I found a discontinued kit there. Tokyo is wonderful!並行してPINUP GIRLを進める。なにせこの手のキットのほうが気楽に進められる。

Continue to make PINUP GIRL. I feel more at ease with a kit like this.軽くサフを吹いたがまだ粗が目立つ。 I sprayed the surfacer, but it’s still rough.ベースは円形に加工し、飾り台は自作。

The base was modified to a circular shape, and the decorative stand was made by myself.

15inchのMacBook Airが出たそうで… うちのも、もう10年選手、13inchでいいんで買い替え考えようかな?

15inch MacBook Air released. My Macbook is over 10 years old. I want to replace it with a new 13inch product.

 - Modeling, Sub-culture