
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


メタルにはまる・・・ -I am crazy about a metal figure



Because the information about the recent model lacked when I restarted modelling, I checked every model information. The investigation into interesting information is very fun. I accessed every media and made up for lack of information.


I found a certain overseas blog when I related to “Histrical Figure”. The blog had been closed several years ago, but was blog of “1/6 Historical Figure” where it was WW1-related. There was a doll called “the GI Joe”, but the concept is the same as it. This field has an enthusiast for a long time and is reality unlike the toy. This is the world of the hobby of adult. Clothes and the equipment use material same as the real thing as much as possible. As for the doll, most are things of the European maker. As for it, the joint moves freely, and the expression of the face is very real, too. There was the person who made one’s own movie using this Figure.

IMG_0384未知の世界に対しては、誰しもが好奇心を駆り立てられます。自分もやりたい、と思ったことについては、いろいろと調べます。コストのことやら作業時間、メンテ等々、調べていくと、この1/6 Figureについては自分の手に負える代物ではなさそうな気がしてきました。結局、私には無理だろうと判断して、チャレンジすることは断念しました。それでもこのブログでの1/6 Figureとの出会いのインパクトは大きく、模型の付属品程度の存在だったFigureを、単独キットとして入手して製作を始めるきっかけになりました。Metal Figureは俗にいう「鉛の兵隊」ですが、テーマは兵隊に限りません。古代から中世、近代から現代に至る様々なテーマのキットがあり、素材はメタルに限らず、レジンで成形されたもの等があります。私も今でこそレジン製品を扱う機会が増えましたが、以前はメタル製品一本でした。日本にもこの手のFigureを原型製作販売している方々がいらっしゃいます。古くからヨーロッパがメインのマーケットだったようで、メーカーの多くはヨーロッパ中心に分散しています。

Everybody is interested in the unknown world. I check that I am interested in various ways. On study I thought that 1/6 Figure was difficult for me. I gave it up after all. However, the shock that I received from 1/6 Figure was big. As for it, I was a chance to make Figure kit. Metal Figure is a tin soldier. However, the theme is not only a soldier. There is the kit of the theme of various times. The material is metal and resin. I often made a metal product from a beginning. However, it creates a lot of resin products recently. Resin is different from metal in the image of the sculpture. Figure maker is in Japan, but Europe is mainstream traditionally. Therefore most of makers are in Europe.


As for the kit acquisition method, a mail order is convenient. I order it from a maker and the agency on the Internet. It was troublesome in old days because I ordered it by a facsimile. For the shipment from the foreign countries, it takes time until arrival. However, I do not mind it. Because there is a lot of stock of non-making, I am not troubled. But it is a different problem. It is pleasure of the hobbies to wait patiently.

にほんブログ村 その他趣味ブログ 模型へ

 - Modeling