
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


A Farewell to Arms 4



A tramcar in the works. It’s stopped because it’s being painted while it’s being assembled. It’s different from an AFV and takes a lot of work.でも、筆塗派としてはこの方が俄然楽しい。左右(前後)がほぼ均等なので、半分ずつ同じパーツを二つ作る。

But, as a brush painter, I find this way much more fun. The left and right (front and back) are almost even, so I make two identical parts, one half for each side.とにかくパーツが細くて小さいので破損と紛失に注意、このステーもなくなったので真鍮棒で代用。

Anyway, the parts are thin and small, so I have to be careful not to break or lose them. I lost this bracket, so I used a brass rod instead.道後温泉からレトロな路面電車に乗った。車中にはミカンの広告がいっぱい。ゆるゆるがいい。性に合うかも。

I got on a retro tram from Dogo Onsen in Matsuyama, Shikoku. There were lots of mandarin orange advertisements on the inside of the tram. I love the relaxed atmosphere of this town. It might suit my personality.9月の終わりに来て、やっと涼しくなりそうな気配。これは間違いなく異常気象でしょう。海水温上昇で海産物の北上傾向が顕著。もう由比で桜海老は食べられないのかなあ。

It’s finally going to get cooler at the end of September. There’s definitely been abnormal weather recently. The seawater temperature is rising and many fish are moving north along the ocean currents. I wonder if I can’t eat “Sakura shrimp” anymore at Yui Fishing Port in Shizuoka.

 - Base Concept, Modeling