
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


The old Jeep is WIP. 13



The headlights are molded using a precision grinder. Then glue the valve made from the rivet parts.レンズは透明プラバン。片方は割れた感じに。イマイチだけど、まあいいか。

A transparent plastic board is used for the lens. One side looks like it’s broken. The result isn’t great, but…it’s okay!内装、下回りを塗り直して、ジェリ缶ラックを追加。どうだろう?少しはリアルになったように思えるけど…

I repainted the interior and undercarriage and added jerry can racks to both sides of the rear. I think it’s more realistic than before. ゴールデンウィーク唯一の行楽は長野旅行。朝0:00出発で有名な戸隠そばの店に5:30予約登録。それでも13番目。

The only vacation during Golden Week was a trip to Nagano. I left home at 12:00 in the morning, arrived at the famous “Togakushi Soba” restaurant at 5:30, and made a reservation. Still, the order is number 13. 日帰りで戸隠奥社と善光寺見学の強行軍。この手の計画はそろそろ無理かな、だいぶ疲れた。

The plan was to visit Togakushi Okusha and Zenkoji in a day trip. But this plan made us very tired.

 - Modeling, Sub-culture