
スケールモデルを中心とした、Donnieの情報発信局 -The slow hobby life to enjoy in a scale model.


四一式山砲製作 -5 Making of the Type41 Mountain Gun -5


I reopen production of the Type41 Mountain Gun. Let’s work out a design of Vignette.
・I make a frame of the ground with a plastic board on a wooden bass. The ground makes the uphill slope.
・I make a right slope longish a little.
・Four people pull a mountain gun of 540 kg. As for the uphill angle, 3-5 degrees is a limit.
・The ground makes mud with pate.
・I make a wheel track with masking tape.
・I adjust the line of the mountain gun and the direction to draw out of the traction rope.
・The rope does it so that there is not the unnatural slack.
It is important to keep natural movement in mind. It is necessary to be conscious of a pose of figure and the weight of the mountain gun. I stop the pretext, and I will make it.今でこそファインモールドやタミヤ、海外メーカーもドラゴン、ミニアート等から旧軍、自衛隊プラモデルキットが出てますが、私の子供の頃は船や飛行機以外でそのようなキットは殆どありませんでした。どうもメーカー側もモデラー側も精神的な壁があったように私は思います。そういう意味ではまだ戦後だったのかもしれません。プラモデルといえど何か抵抗を感じるものが私にはありました。
The plastic model kit of Japanese Imperial Army and Self-Defense Forces is released now by Fine Mold, Tamiya, Dragon and Mini-Art etc,. But, there were not those kits in the days of my child. I think in particular the Japanese Imperial Army kit to have been a taboo. It might be still after the war in the days of my child mentally. Even a plastic model was too imminent, and I had the thing which felt resistance.中国映画には様々な意味で日帝侵略時代を背景にした映画が多く作られています。Jiang Wenの作品でカンヌでグランプリを取った鬼子来了もそんな中の一つですが、中国では上映禁止になったいわくつきの映画です。以前の中国映画では日本人役に中国人俳優を配するものが多く、片言の日本語で日本人に扮していたのですが、最近は日本人の俳優を使うことが多くなりました。この映画の日本人役も全て日本人俳優と日本人留学生が演じています。やはり日本人役は日本人でないと演じきれないとこの映画を見てつくづく感じました。欧米でもドイツ人やロシア人の役でもオール英語って映画も以前はよくありましたが、最近は減ってきたように思われます。私はいい傾向と思います。
The Chinese movie has many movies of the stage the empire aggression era in Japan. Devils on the Doorstep of Jiang Wen. The grand prix of the Cannes Film Festival of 2000. It is the with some story movie which became put under ban of the screening in China. As for the Chinese movie, a Chinese actor played a Japanese position. They played a Japanese in broken Japanese. But, it increased to employ a Japanese actor of the recent Chinese movie. A Japanese actor and a Japanese foreign student play all the Japanese positions of this movie. After all I felt that a Japanese should play the Japanese position to see this movie. There were a lot of movies which a German and a Russian talked about in English in Europe and America. It seemed to decrease recently. I think it to be a good tendency.傾斜勾配で思い出しましたが、私の故郷の花渕山スキー場には45°の急斜面がありました。斜面の上に立つと垂直な壁にしか見えません。滑り降りるのは命懸けです。以前はA級ダウンヒルや国体のコースに使用された名コースだったのですが、このスキー場、残念ながら今はもう営業してないようです。私はもう10年以上スキーはしていないのですが、緩斜面でも怪我せずに滑れるかどうか不安です。
I remembered it by the story of the slope. The Hanabuchi-yama skiing area with the steep slope of 45 degrees was in my hometown. I was seen only on the perpendicular wall from the top. It risks death to slide down from there. There was an excellent course used for Class A downhill and the National Athletic Meet. Unfortunately it is not open anymore now. I do not ski more than ten years. I am afraid whether I can slip without being hurt at the loose slope.

 - Modeling, Sub-culture